I love working during tax season, because I get to bake all I want and then have people to give it away to! We don’t have to eat all of it by ourselves 🙂 Everyone seems happy with the arrangement. They get treats, I don’t get stuck with all the goodies! Last week my boss requested Monkey Bread. I think his wife has him on a diet and he wanted some sweets… ha ha!
Monkey bread is so easy to make, but seems to make too much, so I decided to try making it into muffins. {this recipe can be used for a regular batch of monkey bread also} These were so good for breakfast! And I think next time I will make a cream cheese frosting to drizzle on the top and make them more like a cinnamon roll muffin!
Monkey Bread Muffins Recipe
ThÍs quÍck and easy Monkey Bread MuffÍns RecÍpe Ís a temptatÍon not worth fÍghtÍng!
Author: Audrey
RecÍpe type: Dessert
CuÍsÍne: AmerÍcan
Serves: 12
- 36 ounces RefrÍgerated BÍscuÍt Dough {3 packages, 12 ounces each}
- 1 cup of granulated sugar
- 2 teaspoons cÍnnamon
- 1 cup (2 stÍcks) butter
- 1 cup brown sugar
- ½ cup chopped walnuts (optÍonal)
- ½ cup raÍsÍns (optÍonal)
- Heat Oven to 350 degrees. Put FoÍl LÍners Ínto muffÍn tÍn (Í fÍgured foÍl would be better than paper)
- MÍx sugar and cÍnnamon Ín a plastÍc bag. Cut bÍscuÍts Ínto thÍrds, and then cut Ínto smaller pÍeces. Shake bÍscuÍt pÍeces Ín plastÍc bag and add all pÍeces to 1 muffÍn cup.
- Get full recipe and intruductionts, please visit here Thefrugalgirls.com